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Wildlife Removal Services in the Thunder Bay District

If your property has been taken over by nuisance wildlife that slithers, scurries, or flies in and around your home, sheds, garden, deck, or other landscaped areas, contact Canadian Pest Control Services in Thunder Bay. We are certified professional pest removal specialists who follow the law and the principles of humane wildlife solutions.

Wildlife Removal

Since laws vary from region to region, it is recommended to enlist the services of a licensed professional for safe and effective wildlife pest control services. Canadian Pest Control has the required training and certification to remove nuisance wildlife in the Thunder Bay and surrounding areas. Our qualified pest control specialists provide humane and effective services that do not adversely affect the environment or any untargeted species.


Canadian Pest Control technicians provide professional recommendations for long term wildlife control that begins with a thorough inspection of your property in Thunder Bay and surrounding areas. Our qualified experts have the knowledge and experience to keep any unwanted critter from outside sheds, gardens, decks, and other landscaped areas.

Humane Wildlife Removal

Carriers of parasites and disease, uncontrolled wildlife are capable of transmitting infections to people and pets through bites, feces, urine and other means. It is not recommended to attempt to trap or handle a wild animal found on your property without professional assistance.


Canadian Pest Control pest management professionals understand the environments and habits of wildlife in the Thunder Bay and surrounding areas. We are fully equipped to prevent nuisance wildlife from threatening your health and safety. 

Our Specialties

We are frequently called upon to remove:


  • Skunks

  • Raccoons

  • Squirrels

  • Groundhogs

  • Bats

  • Snakes

  • Rabbits

  • Moles

  • Voles


Please keep reading for details about some of these pests.



They are excellent raiders of trash cans and like to hide in chimneys, garages, sheds, and other outbuildings. Raccoons birth 4-6 babies at a time and don’t have many natural predators, so their population continues to grow each year. Whether you have a lone bandit or an entire raccoon family, call us today for help with removal.  



Skunks are animals with an instinct to visit sources of food such as pet bowls and garbage cans. They also scavenge through grass in their quest for grubs, and insects. They like to take refuge in tight crawl spaces, especially under decks, fences and porches. Skunks, of course, are best known for the odor they excrete when they are threatened. Call us today if you have a skunk or two taking up residence near your home.   



Squirrels are fun to watch, but is their scurrying up and down the side of your housekeeping you up at night? Or have they left caches of food in your attic, rain gutters, and other spaces? Whatever your reason for wanting them gone, call us today to set traps for them and prevent them from chewing on your woodwork and wreaking havoc on your property.



Birds are lovely in the sky or trees but not when they roost on your roof or defecate all over your property, which is a health issue. To control your unwanted bird population, call us today for humane deterrents and traps.



Groundhogs can be a destructive nuisance in gardens, fields, and yards. In addition to their burrowing and incessant eating, groundhogs, also known as woodchucks or ground squirrels and damage a garden in no time. Call us today for help evicting groundhogs from your property.

We Put Your Pests to Rest!

We are Thunder Bay District’s oldest wildlife pest removal service.

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